Common Commercial Roofing Problems
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The truth is, no matter how well you take care of your roofing system, it will eventually run into problems. His and Hers Roofing, trusted expert in roofing in St. Louis, MO, discusses the most common commercial roofing problems and their causes today.
Poor or Insufficient Maintenance
Roof maintenance in St. Louis, MO is absolutely essential if you want to keep your commercial property in tip-top shape. Therefore, if you don’t perform good maintenance or neglect to do it altogether, you will certainly run into problems with the roof. Debris can drop and land on the roof and cause a tear that becomes larger in certain weather conditions.
Water Damage
One of the biggest commercial roofing problems that property owners encounter is water damage. Seemingly minor issues like small tears can ultimately lead to larger ones such as leaks and structural damage. If you notice puddles of water on the roof, don’t wait to call a roofing contractor in St. Louis, MO for a thorough inspection and professional solutions.
Poor Installation
The poor installation of a commercial roof is a disaster that can compromise your entire property. You will need to have a whole new roofing installation in St. Louis, MO to replace the shoddy job you’ve previously received. A proper installation should be done by a reputable company using a durable material like PVC that can last for at least 20 years.
Wind Damage
When you have to deal with heavy winds, your commercial roof will suffer from blow-offs. This leads to pieces of the roof being pulled off by strong winds. With different areas of your roof exposed, water could seep in and cause great structural damage. Get in touch with a professional for immediate roof repair in St. Louis, MO.
Working with a trusted roofing contractor in St. Louis, MO can help you avoid these common commercial roofing problems. Get in touch with His and Hers Roofing today.